Chapter 5: Christ the Son is the LightNo man can see unless he is in the dark. And God gave us light out of darkness. And the Son who is Light would dwell amongst men. And now we can see because of His Light.
Allegory is beautiful but literalness is inspiring. For God the Father created light and darkness, but in the beginning neither existed. But the Father existed before light and darkness, and now He is both light and darkness. For He created the light out of darkness, and He did this for the benefit of mankind. (Genesis 1:3) For how can we seethe light, unless we are in the darkness? But we do know this, it is the image of light which we see, but not the source of the light itself.For optically we see the image of the object, which is a reflection of the light off the object, but we cannot see the light itself. That is until the Light came in this world, for the Light became flesh, and the Light is Life. 'I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.' (John 8:12) |