When God destroyed mankind in the flood, He sent the rainbow as a promise He would never destroy mankind with
water again. For the rainbow is created by
light and rain which is manifest in many colors. For His people have been created by the
Light, for His people are the color of all nations.
When the flood came down mankind was destroyed, but God saved mankind through Noah. And the Lord in His kindness, made a promise to man, that water would not kill them again. (Genesis 9:13-17) When the Lord appeared to Ezekiel, He was surrounded by a rainbow, a promise that the Lamb would come, and the temple of His body would be rebuilt. (Ezekiel 1:28) And when the Lord appeared to John, to foretell of the judgment to come, He was surrounded by a rainbow, a promise that the Lion would return, and the temple of His saints would be rebuilt. (Revelation 4:2-3)