Gold of God's Faithfulness
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Signs Science Symbols
Lesson 1 Gate
Lesson 2 Antichrist
Lesson 3 Greek alphabet
Lesson 4 Water
Lesson 5 Light
Lesson 6 Blood
Lesson 7 Fire
Lesson 8 Love
Lesson 9 Harvest
Lesson 10 Seed
Lesson 11 Vine
Lesson 12 Fruits
Lesson 13 Covenant
Lesson 14 Wine
Lesson 15 Rainbow
Lesson 16 Trumpets
Lesson 17 Cloud
Lesson 18 Gold
Lesson 19 Oil
Lesson 20 Oil-currency
Lesson 21 Bread
Lesson 22 Salt
Lesson 23 Shepherd
Lesson 24 Lion
Lesson 25 Child
Lesson 26 Entropy
Lesson 27 The Woes
Lesson 28 Beast from Sea
Lesson 29 Hope
Lesson 30 Faith
Lesson 31 Mind
Math and Numbers
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Chapter 18: We are God's Gold

Gold is represented by the symbol Au which means glowing dawn.  And the dawn has arrived when the gold of His children shall be redeemed. 

Gold is a soft corrosion-resistant element, and is the most malleable metal on earth. Because of its beauty and its malleable nature, it is used for currency, jewelry, and decoration. It is also used as a term, to denote something of great value or goodness. (i.e. a heart of gold.) Its chemical symbol is Au, derived from the Latin word aurum, which in translation means glowing dawn. From the dawn of mankind at the rivers of Eden, God blessed the earth with a wealth of gold. (Genesis 2:10-12) And from that gold Moses was told, to enclose God’s covenant in an ark of gold. (Exodus25:10-13) And from that gold God instructed Solomon, to construct His temple of gold. (1 Kings 7:48-51) And the magnificence of the golden temple, was a glimpse of the glory of the kingdom to come.(Revelation 21:18-21)